A Different Perspective

When I Consider The Universe…

The discovery of the Universe is perhaps the most amazing discovery of man. Yet, it’s beyond our exploration. While men can boast of travelling around the world in months, weeks or even days…we can’t boast of travelling around the universe in a lifetime!

We can’t even imagine what awaits us. The conditions that we will endure, nor the lifeforms we will meet. It is absolutely awesome!!!

As a Christian, I believe that God is even more awesome and unfathomable! And it always amazes me when I come across people who think they know all there is to know about this Being who created all this unending matter and uncontainable time! Sometimes, I am puzzled when I consider how far from the truth we must be.

In the days of old, did anyone ever consider the existence of such an intangible thing as the Internet? Yet, I can’t go one day without connection to this entity. I use it for work and for leisure. I use it for learning and for worship. I use it to connect with friends and family and people I would never have known without it…and may never meet in my lifetime.

Well, Daniel prophesied concerning these times of the abundance of knowledge (Dan 12:4).  John prophesied about a global monetary system by the implantation of chips in our bodies (Rev 13:16-17), which is now very feasible and considered a timely advancement against terrorism.  He also prophesied that every eye will see Jesus as He appears in the skies (Rev 1:7), which is already possible with television and the phenomenon of self-broadcasting via the Internet!  So the time for the fulfillment of all these things is well at hand.

While Christ crucified is God’s plan for humanity’s salvation, I can’t help but wonder about His plan, if any, for other lifeforms.  Maybe it’s beyond me.  Maybe it’s beyond what God intended for mankind to know.  But I have to assume that there are other cognitive beings out there, who also wonder about their existence and wonder about how we can all get connected.  Can you just imagine if there was a technology like the Internet for the Galaxy or the Universe..?

There was a time the men of the world got together to build a structure that they intended to reach the heavens (Gen 11:1-9).  They must have had a really good foundation, because God thought they would be successful at it…and decided to deter them, so that they were no longer able to continue work on it. So, though our discoveries are helping us to appreciate the vastness of God’s creation, His will for us may be more focused on our lives here on Earth.

The Bible says knowledge puffs up (1 Cor 8:1), and we do have a bad record of abusing every intelligence we have gained, so there is good reason for God to withhold knowledge from the proud!  With the little knowledge men have gained of the world and the Universe, rather than glorify God, they have denied His power, and sought glory for themselves!  Every development is a means to gain and control, rather than a means to service and love.

I am reminded of Christ’s teaching that we will not be entrusted with great treasures, until we have proven ourselves faithful with the little treasures (Luke 16:10). Maybe we can learn that lesson in respect to our world vs the Universe. What have we done for our world? How have we made life beautiful and just for every inhabitant of this Earth? Are we really ready to handle the potential and the responsibility of the Universe?  Christ teaches us that we are only able to rule when we are submitted to His Lordship and learn from His humility.  He said that the greatest of us must be a servant (Matt 23:11).

I do also wonder when Christ said that He will give His saints cities to rule over (Luke 19:17-19), whether He meant planets…  Because if you think of it, there will be hundreds of millions of saints, by the time Jesus returns, who will make up the great multitude.  There are not nearly enough cities in this world for them all… and certainly not enough countries.  So, as I ponder, I do think a time is coming when we will be given the privilege to explore and to govern the Universe, alluded to in the Bible as the HEAVENS (Psalm 19:1).  We are told that we will reign with Him in Heavenly places (Eph 2:6).

The rulers of the world long for the treasures of the Universe, but I believe that it is reserved, stored up for the righteous, who will inherit it all.  Let us be diligent therefore and strive to be faithful in the little things.  Let us consider one another with love, defend the oppressed and be obedient to the Gospel of Christ.  Then, and only then, will we be entrusted with true riches and true power.

Photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com

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11 replies »

  1. “I do also wonder when Christ said that He will give His saints cities to rule over (Luke 19:17-19), whether He meant planets… Because if you think of it, there will be hundreds of millions of saints, by the time Jesus returns, who will make up the great multitude. There are not nearly enough cities in this world for them all… and certainly not enough countries.”

    I firmly believe this is why God created the heavens and the earth. There will be people who survive the tribulation. These people will go into the 1000 year millennium and beyond. They will be fruitful and multiplying, so the earth (by my guess) will quickly run out of room. I call dibs on Saturn 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent post. I especially like the part, “With the little knowledge men have gained of the world and the Universe, rather than glorify God, they have denied His power, and sought glory for themselves! Every development is a means to gain and control, rather than a means to service and love.” so true!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice contemplations.

    The universe is the mighty creation of our father God. It is foolishness to think that the vast universe came to being without God.

    Yes, truly there are many things we don’t understand about the universe. But we can be sure that the Maker has power to sustain.

    Our enjoyment of, discoveries and exploration of the earth and the expanded universe should make us acknowledge divinity in action, and not make us deny the existence of God as some have done, sadly.


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