Editor's Pick

Editor’s Pick: What’s The Big Deal About Eternity?

I just read a post by an Atheist that I found very intriguing.  I particularly liked his take on eternity, and found it a bit amusing.  Click to read: Do you know for sure that you will go to Heaven?

I shared my comment under his post, but I thought you guys would appreciate it too, so I’m posting it here.  Can we truly appreciate immortality, while we remain confined to a mortal body?

I wrote:

Yeah, I don’t try to think of eternity too much. That wasn’t what sold me on Christianity. I shared that in one of my response posts called “Are You In It For Eternal Life?”.

What do mortals know about the life of an immortal? It’s dimensions above our ability to comprehend. I reckon it might be like a stone (if it had the ability to think) wondering what was the big deal about living? So you eat and you poop and you sleep and you work…then what? But only the living can appreciate life, and only the immortal can appreciate immortality…

Read more at https://ufuomaee.blog/whats-the-big-deal-about-eternity/

11 replies »

  1. I found the original post in my reader although the blog address is no more it would seem. I may Resurrect the post and reblog on mine. Thx for the prompt


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