Editor's Pick

Editor’s Pick: Interview With An Ex-‘Jesus Christian’ – Ten Years On

The time has come for me to publicly share about my time and experience with the Christian Sect known as the ‘Jesus Christians’.  I’ve always wondered about how I would write about my experience.  I didn’t want to be overly emotional when talking about them, but I also didn’t want too much time to pass so that I will forget certain events.  The experience changed my life is more ways than one, both for good and for bad, so I want to give an honest account.

A lot of time has passed now, and my memory isn’t as sharp as before to give a detailed telling of what transpired between me and the group (JCs).  Because of that, instead of trying to tell it chronologically, I’m telling my story in the form of an interview…addressing the issues topically.  Hopefully, this question and answer approach will help me to address everything that needs addressing in a sensitive and thorough way.  So I’ll begin…


I first met one of the Jesus Christians (his name was James…and was later changed to Alfie after a grievance with the leader of the group…

Read more at http://blog.ufuomaee.org/interview-with-an-ex-jesus-christian

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