A Small World

New Release: A Small World – Season Two

I have been publishing the second season of A Small World since October this year, first for my Patrons at www.patreon.com/ufuomaee, then on my blog at blog.ufuomaee.org for members only.  Six episodes are now publicly available, as I release two episodes a week!

You are welcome to read on my blog for free, either as a member or a ghost reader…  But you will be waiting long for the next episodes to land.  I won’t tell you how many episodes there are, but members will be reading Episode 14 later today.  If you would like to catch up with my members and patrons, CLICK HERE to register for free.

Now, for those who would like to skip the wait, or who just want to encourage me and support me in this ministry, the ebook is available NOW to buy affordably from Amazon and Okadabooks!!!  This season was particularly hard for me to write because it was so FULL, so many things to bring together to make the story what it was.  But I enjoyed it, it is highly entertaining and packed with so many lessons.  I hope, and believe you will be blessed by it!

Here’s the Blurb:

The story continues from Valentine’s Day, as Danny and Tolu prepare for their wedding. However, Tolu’s ex-boyfriend, Femi, is unwilling to yield his hold on her. Dami and Sola have finally confirmed their wedding date, but Dami doesn’t know that Sola’s having financial problems…and cold feet. Jason is sure God told him that Fiona is his wife, and he has proposed, much to her delight. The only problem now is getting the approval of her obstinate, Catholic parents to proceed.

Adania went into a coma on Valentine’s Day, after a traumatic experience that resulted in a very dangerous fall down the stairs. Will she ever wake up? Her sister, Amaka is still picking up the pieces of her failed marriage, and learning about her new Faith. However, she hasn’t yet learnt to discern the sheep from the wolves in sheep’s clothing… Promise must face the consequences of her actions again when Ope’s old friend comes seeking his support. Richard is a man with an axe to grind, and he is determined to make Promise pay for what she did to him four years ago.

In this jam-packed, explosive season of A Small World, we see how blurry the line is between Saints and Sinners, and the need to have a sincere faith and purified love to navigate the many complexities of life.


A Small World is a never ending seasonal story series, continuing to look into the lives of the characters of my three main books, The Church Girl, An Emotional Affair and Broken.  In case you missed Season One when it ran in February to celebrate the Valentine’s Season, you can still get the ebook, which is priced affordably on Okadabooks and Amazon.  If you are one of my patrons, you will be able to read Season One on my blog too!  You can also listen to the complete audio version of An Emotional Affair!  Why not become a patron today?


Season One on Okadabooks:


Season Two on Okadabooks:


Season One on Amazon:


Season Two on Amazon:


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