Editor's Pick

The Marriage ABCs – N for Nobody’s Perfect, Negotiate And Never Give Up!

Jesus said “the Truth will set you free” (John 8:33), and of course He is right!  He means Himself!  He is the Truth that sets us free…(John 14:6)  But knowledge of AND acceptance of any truth always brings freedom.

There is a truth that ought to bring many captives of bad marriages freedom today, and that is the truth that NO ONE IS PERFECT.  No, not them, not their spouse, and not any imaginary knight in shining armour or Princess that they hope will save them from their miserable marriage.

Living with imperfect people is not only a fact of life…it is also a JOY of life!  The sooner you embrace this truth, the sooner you will set yourself and your spouse free from the bondage of unrealistic expectations, and start to truly KNOW and appreciate each other, as you ought to.  Marriage is a beautiful mess of two imperfect people, learning to appreciate and love each other unconditionally.  As hard as it may be, you gotta love it, and when you persevere in it, it brings forth a beautiful fruit in your spirit and in your union!


Maybe you already know that no one is perfect, and can admit that…

Read more at https://blog.ufuomaee.org/the-marriage-abcs-n

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